Saturday 15 June 2024

Palestinian survivor recalls 1948 massacre in Deir Yassin

Meryem Akil, 83, lost father, mother, two brothers in massacre carried out by Zionist gangs in April 9, 1948.

An 83-year-old Palestinian woman who managed to survive the Deir Yassin massacre 73 years ago, remembers that time with great sadness and pain.


More than 250 Palestinians were killed on April 9, 1948, by Zionist gangs when they carried out a deadly attack on Deir Yassin, located west of Al-Quds (Jerusalem).


Meryem Akil (Umm Osame) lost her father, mother and two brothers in the massacre when she was just 10 years old.


Akil, who lives in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in occupied East Al-Quds and who is one of the last witnesses to the massacre, told Anadolu Agency about Jewish terror organizations’ attack on the village.


“Jews went down to the village toward dawn. They surrounded the village. They didn't want anyone to escape from the village. They had come to kill us all,” said Akil.


“Women and children began to flee when the conflict broke out, but no one survived the Jewish bullets,” she said.


“Clashes continued throughout the day. Our whole house was under fire. Our mother didn't know where to hide us,” she recalled.


“They took my 16-year-old brother out into the garden and bowed his head. They martyred him by shooting five bullets in his head. They killed him in front of my sister's eyes,” she said through tears.


Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forced to flee their villages and towns in historical Palestine to neighboring countries including Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.


Palestinian use "Nakba," in Arabic or “The Catastrophe” to refer to the 1948 expulsions by Zionist gangs.

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