Sunday 05 May 2024

Hamas, Hezbollah among major
future challenges for Israel

Randy Short (Part 2)

Qodsna (Tehran) - In an exclusive interview with Qodsna News Agency, an American human rights activist Randy Short talked about different aspects of policies of Joe Biden’s administration in the Middle East, highlighting its nature towards Israel and Palestinians.


In the second part of his interview, Randy Short further talked about the potential relations between Israel and Biden’s administration, saying that Israel has no worry about the possible Biden’s policies. “Biden is like other politicians in America controlled by those that know his secrets. The entire Epstein Affair should have made foreign journalists understand that American politicians are ruled by those that have sensitive personal information about elected officials.”


“Biden is a proxy of the unelected government. The election was stolen for him to do their will. The greatest money generated since 1945 is war, demolition, and reconstruction (i.e. Bechtel). Israel is elated. When Israel told Trump to jump, he pondered and refused. When Trump refused to expand the war in Syria; thus, he defied Netanyahu--regardless of what anybody thinks of him. When Trump refused to bomb Iran, he defied hardline American Zionists, and nobody remembers this. When Trump defied the U.S. military establishment by trying to get U.S. soldiers out of Afghanistan, this was unpopular with globalist elites in America. Netanyahu was the first world leader to congratulate Biden on his electoral victory. Prepare yourself for great arms sales to the (Persian) Gulf Coalition Council and more efforts to destabilize the region. In particular, Biden is likely to stupidly try to involve US forces in Yemen as an underbelly assault on Tehran by way of Sanaa.” he explained.


Referring to the recent normalization deals between some Arab countries and the Zionist regime, Randy Short went on to say that “a slave used to eat on the ground will not suddenly desire to eat on fine porcelain. These negotiations were military in nature. Insecure despotic monarchies realize that their faith is not in Allah or the goodwill of their people but in the military might of Israel and her allies. Also, they know that Biden is hostile to the U.S. producing oil and gas domestically.


“The price of fuel and heating oil and gas has exploded the minute Trump left the White House. Biden is an economic hit man for America-Last globalist agenda. Biden is returning America to wars without end abroad, unlimited illegal migration, and austerity via stymying the redevelopment of our industrial base and crushing the working classes with horrific trade agreements that shatter the living standards of the working people,” he added.


The American activist then pointed to possible challenges that Israel would face in the future, naming the Holocaust, demographic changes, the failure to defeat the Shia resistance, the potential collapse of the Persian Gulf Arab monarchs, “violent interracial, ethnic, class and sectarian strife in Israel”, Israel’s role in Middle East conflicts, Hamas and Hezbollah fronts against Israel as major future challenges for the Zionist regime.

“Demanding to be seen as victims when you have hundreds of atomic weapons, have a large number of billionaires, command global respect, have political power, have a strong military, have a strong cultural and social presence, and have a prominent role in seeming everything appears to be more a thing of the elite global strata than the downtrodden classes of the third world. In particular, the Israeli handling of Palestinians, Israeli Arabs, Bedouin, Druze, Falasha, and Mizrahim isn't a secret anymore,” he further explained.


He then said that “Israel has a Hebrew problem. Khazarians are not Hebrews, and this is an issue that many people are aware of, and the racism and injustice inflicted on many people in the region are based on non-Hebrews creating a nation for Jews only when they are descendants of converts to Judaism and they have contempt for the Ethiopians and Oriental Jews who are descendants of the ancient Hebrews who are treated as second class citizens hated and reviled by those who remind everyone incessantly about the atrocities and racism their ancestors faced in Europe.”


“Israel can survive external threats but it cannot endure a growing non-white Jewish population that feels only marginally better off than the oppressed Israeli Arabs. In reality, Israel's fear of war is almost based on the fact that it is surrounded by Arab fecundity and every battle casualty,” Randy Short stressed.


Short then called the murder of Jamal Khashoggi as a “ghoulish and barbaric assassination” done by the order of Saudi Arabia's (KSA) Prince Mohamed Bin Salman, asserting that “Biden wants and needs the support of MBS because Saudi's own 15% of the American economy and purchase significant amounts of military hardware, and the new president is a Slavic acolyte to the Military Industrial Complex, and KSA is a strategic partner to Israel and the USA and a bulwark against Iran.”


“Biden will need to stay in the graces of the killer prince MBS. Biden wants to be taken seriously as president-despite obvious mental deterioration evidenced by his frequent malapropism and foot-in-mouth comments that the American media unsuccessfully hides from the public and the larger world. Going to war made George W. Bush a statesman so even he believed, and Biden too believes senseless war is a talisman that can make him into a Winston Churchill or Charles de Gaulle,” he noted.

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