Wednesday 24 April 2024

Hamas statement on anniversary of 2012 Israeli war on Gaza

Hamas: The Palestinian resistance has become more ready and determined to continue its fight for liberation

November 14, 2012 marks a chapter of the Israeli occupation’s arrogance that will go down in history as a turning point; after this day, on which the Israeli occupation assassinated the Hamas commander-in-chief Ahmad al-Jabari, the Israeli occupation started making serious calculations before committing similar crimes, Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas said in a statement.


The statement said: On this day, the Palestinian resistance managed to make the Israeli occupation to admit that new rules of engagement have been set; the Palestinian blood is no longer cheap and the courageous Palestinian resistance will not hesitate for a moment to defend it.  


Al-Jabari’s assassination was only intended to satisfy the Israeli occupation’s desire for vengeance against the senior Hamas military commander who, since his release from Israeli jails, had pledged not to rest before release Palestinian detainees from Israeli prisons, Hamas added.


The statement noted that Al-Jabari fulfilled his promise, striking the Wafa al-Ahrar deal and releasing more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails, which represented a security and intelligence victory that left the Israeli occupation deeply shocked until the present day.


The Hijarat Al-Sajiyil battle has boosted the Palestinian people’s confidence through the Palestinian resistance’s management of the battle and use of fighting methods; the Palestinian resistance stunned all sides with its ability to run the battle in a way that serves its goals and force the Israeli occupation to act according to its will amid Arab support.


This battle was a turning point in the Palestinian struggle, in which the Israeli occupation realised that the Palestinian people have tough and rational resistance movements.


On this anniversary, we, in Hamas, states the following:


First: We salute all Palestinians killed or injured during this battle, as well as all martyrs who have fallen throughout the Palestinian freedom struggle.


Second: We hail Palestinian citizens of the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, the 1948 occupied Palestinian territories, and refugee camps, as well as in the diaspora, for standing steadfast and resilient.


Third: Resistance in all forms is an irreversible option at any cost until ending the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and holy sites; all attempts to twist facts about the Palestinian resistance and demonise it are bound to fail.   


Fourth: The Palestinian resistance has become more ready and determined to continue its fight for liberation and will not backtrack on achieving its goal of ending the Israeli occupation of all Palestinian territories.


Fifth: National unity is a strategic option; Hamas will not rest until unifying all Palestinians in the struggle for liberation at all fronts.


Sixth: Hamas salutes Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, restating its commitment to release all of them.



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