Friday 14 June 2024

Zionists slaughter Palestinian children
with intentions to expand illegal settlements

Iranian MP

Killing of Palestinian children by Zionists carried out in order to complete settlment expansion

؛UAE will be the first victim of normalization with Zionist regime

Chairman of the Nuclear Committee of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy commotion stressed that Israel is an illegitimate regime and it is unreasonable to expect that the regime will be a party to international conventions and the rights of the child. It is illegal regime that illegally seizes territory and commits every crime to achieve its expansionist goals.

Over the past years, regardless of the "Four Geneva Conventions" and "Child Rights", the occupying Zionist regime's army has committed many mental, psychological and physical crimes against Palestinian children, but we have not seen any practical actions and follow-up by the international community in this regard.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with Qodsna, Sara Fallahi added that The United States has played a role in the international system and is now administering international law and human rights (for its own benefit). The United States is also a strategic and important ally of the Zionist regime.

“It is very strange to expect that the international community and European countries to support trial of Israel for its crimes against Palestinian children” She added.  

Pointing to the normalization of relations between the Zionist leaders and the rulers of some Arab countries, Fallahi describes the existence of the Zionist regime in the Middle East and in the occupied territories as a major threat to all of humanity.

“This action (Normalization of ties with Zionist regime) is dangerous not only for the Islamic countries of the region, especially Iran, Palestine and other countries, but also for the UAE and the normalizing rulers of relations”, she added.

“The Zionist regime has always sought territorial development and seeks to increase its power and international institutions.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has not been silent about Israel's behavior so far and has provided spiritual and political support to the regional resistance front against this regime. In order to better fight the Zionist colonial regime, we must have better media power. We must behave better in foreign policy so that we can confront Zionist-American media imperialism, an imperialism that always distorts the facts. Fallahi added.


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