Saturday 15 June 2024

Al-Quds Int’l calls for intensifying Muslim presence at Aqsa Mosque

Al-Quds International Institution urged Palestinians to intensify their presence at Aqsa Mosque during the Hebrew holidays

Al-Quds International Institution on Saturday urged the Palestinian citizens in Al-Quds to intensify their presence at the Aqsa Mosque during the Hebrew holidays to prevent any attempt by Jewish settlers to perform rituals at the Islamic holy site.

In a statement, al-Quds Institution warned that the Zionist regime’s occupation authority recently allowed settlers to perform some rituals as a prelude to permitting sacrificial acts of worship at the Aqsa Mosque and then turning the Islamic holy site into a Jewish spiritual shrine.

The Institution underlined that such Jewish violations against the Mosque would never have existed without the blatant Arab normalization of relations with the Israeli occupation state.


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