Saturday 08 June 2024

The New era, is the
era of annihilation
of Israel

Ayatollah Akhtari

Ayatollah Akhtari, President of the Palestinian Committee in Iran’s president office, in an interview with Qods News Agency (Qodsna) correspondent, said that the martyrdom of Suleimani, opened a Road to free al-Quds.


Akhtari added that the coming era is the era of Israel's annihilation. That is what God Almighty promised, and in religious education We have come to say that the government and the group that has been subjected to force, domination, plunder, murder and looting and robbery will inevitably be destroyed; and we will soon see the flood of innocent blood shed on the Palestinian people and The al-Quds martyrs will soon have a flood that destroys and destroys Israel.


At the end of his remarks, the President of the Palestinian Committee added: Dear Allah (God Almighty avenges criminals, tyrants and oppressors) the strike on the US military installations in Erbil and Ain al-Assad bases is just the beginning of the movement, but the ultimate target of the resistance movement is to terminate American domination and the annihilation of Israel.

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