Sunday 05 May 2024

Int Quds Day
Masterkey to Avoid
Deal of Century

Hamidreza Tarraqhi

Hamidreza Tarraqhi an expert to regional and International affairs in an exclusive interviews with Qods News Agency (Qodsna) mentioned to many parts of the deal of century that are totally against Palestinian’s favor and said: “America is seeking to buy the rights of Palestinians by bribe, to legalize the occupation of their lands by the Zionists, they have done every other possible steps before and have failed.”


He continued that the American conspiracy against Palestinian cause is doomed to fail any way and said: “all Palestinians seek is their rights, but Israel continues to its illegal occupation by expanding settlements and claiming al-Quds as their capital. The deal of century offers high advantages to Israel and is so biased in favor of Israel that even the PA rejects the deal despite wealthy Arabs countries such as UAE and Saudi approve it.”


Further to the interview he said: “In such a situation that the wealthy Arab countries have approved the deal of century while they are strongly defending it, the International Quds day is a major obstacle against their will to make the deal take place,

He continued to point out to some policies from Americans, such as listing IRGC in their terror list, legalizing Israel’s occupation over Golan Heights and said: “Americans are doing their best to drive Iran into solitude, but doing so does not meet minimum requirements as Iran is a strong county in the region and a major producer of region, Iran’s regional power and proxy are highly capable of deterring worsening situations against Iran.”


He concluded: “It shall not be forgotten that it’s the American policies which is doomed to fail in the region that Iran will grow stronger day after day and the deal of century will lead into nowhere.”

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