Saturday 27 July 2024

32 Injured in Gaza Protests 101 Years after Balfour Declaration

Scores of Palestinians suffered from suffocation as they took part in the 32nd Friday of the “Great March of Return” protests in the besieged Gaza Strip today.

As Reported by Qods News Agency (Qodsna) Thirty-two people were injured, seven with live bullets, on the eastern border of the Gaza Strip, the Ministry of Health said in a statement.


#Gaza update: 87 Palestinians reported injured by Israeli forces at the #GreatReturnMarchdemonstrations. According to the Ministry of Health, 32 people have been evacuated to hospitals, with seven of those injured by live ammunition (@haaretzcom)

— MedicAidPalestinians (@MedicalAidPal) November 2, 2018


Local sources said that the Israeli occupation forces fired bullets and tear gas at the unarmed protesters, forcing many to retreat.


Today’s protests were held 101 years after the signing of the Balfour Declaration, which paved the way for the establishment of the state of Israel.


#Watch | The moment when a protester was shot and injured by IOF at #Gaza border, today.

— Palestine Live En (@pallive_en) November 2, 2018


Palestinians launched the “Great March of Return” protests on March 30 in an effort to bring an end to the 11-year siege of the Strip and calling for their right to return to homes from which their families were forced out to make way for the creation of the state of Israel in 1948.


More than 205 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli snipers and tear gas fire since the marches were launched with over 20,000 injured, according to the UN.

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