Tuesday 22 October 2024 
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Millions of Pakistani's marched in Karachi to support al-Qods

People around the globe continue to hold mass rallies to protest against US decision to recognize occupied Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Pakistan's Jamaat-i-Islami has called people to shout their demonstration against US and Israel.

In a show of solidarity with Palestinians, to recognize al-Qods as Palestine's capital, millions of Pakistani people march in Karachi participating in a demonstration backed by Jamaat-i-Islami’s on Sunday. The party chief Sirajul Haq was very critical of Muslim rulers for failing to take any concrete action against the US and the Jewish State.


Addressing the Million March, Sirajul Haq in fact gave suggestions to Muslim countries such as launching joint Islamic currency and military force which in fact are aimed at not only promoting unity amongst the Ummah but also help it stand on its own feet. His suggested: "The Muslim Ummah should have expelled the US envoys from their countries following the Trump’s decision." 


He continued his remarks: "This definitely would have given a strong message that the entire Muslim Ummah is united on the status of al-Qods. The Muslim rulers must understand that the US decision has gravely hurt the feelings of every single Muslim who will not sit silent until concrete steps are taken that force the Trump Administration to reverse the decision." he insisted that: "The decission has already has triggered violence and up till now nine Palestinians are killed and two thousand other people have been injured in protests in the occupied territories."


The party chief insisted, That the pulse of the Ummah is to cut off all kinds of relations with Washington and Tel Aviv till the decision is reversed.

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