Palestinian analysts: Hamas rebuilding ties with I.R.Iran
Palestinian analysts believe that Hamas ties with Iran will be further upgraded in the near future and will be restored to those of before the Syrian crisis unlike the will of certain Arab states, including Saudi, Emirates and Egypt.
Palestinian analysts believe that Hamas ties with Iran will be further upgraded in the near future and will be restored to those of before the Syrian crisis unlike the will of certain Arab states, including Saudi, Emirates and Egypt, according to Sama News.
University professor in politics in Umma University in Gaza, Adnan Abu Amer says the ties will be restored gradually to those of before the Syrian crisis.
He said these were common interests between the two sides in rebuilding the ties, adding Hamas will keep its interests by continuing ties for getting access to financial or military aids.
Abu Amer added that Hamas turned to Iran after large Arab states treated it with indifference.
For his part, Ibrahim Madhoun believes that Hamas and Iran are opening a new page in their bilateral ties.
He said Hamas ties will change dramatically following a visit by a Hamas delegation to Tehran.
The analyst said Iran was an exceptional party as it has no relations with Israel and has always offered financial, weapon and political supports to Hamas.
Madhoun said Hamas had also strived to keep ties with Saudi and avoid conflict, adding however that Hamas would prioritize Iran in the future at the expense of its ties with Saudi.
And, head of Gaza political research center, Walid Modallal says Hamas-Iran ties will be restored especially after the recent internal election in Hamas.
Modallel added that Hamas considers Iran as a strategic ally, adding Iran has outpaced other parties in offering financial and other supports to Hamas.
The analyst said Hamas has no fear about ties with Saudi or Emirates as it received no aid from the two.
Modallel added however that Hamas is willing to have balanced ties with all parties.
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