Saturday 27 April 2024

Cairo blast: Questions and doubts

Mehdi Shakibayi: The Sunday's blasts in Egypt made headlines across the country with the theme of involvement of Islamist groups in protest to the policies of the lifetime government of Hosni Mubarak.
Studies show that Egypt is the pivotal base of fundamental Islamist movements in the region and the world.

However, the two major Egyptian parties, Jimaat Islamiya Organization and Islamic Jihad Organization have made a pact with the government like the Muslim Brotherhood Party. Accordingly, the Egyptian intelligence services reject the possibility that the two organizations are involved in the blasts.

The services suspect a small fundamentalist organization has been behind the blasts.

However there are also speculations that the hellish Israeli spy body Mussad might have been to blame with a motive to divert the public opinion. The advocates argue that the regime seeks to repeat a scenario similar to what it carried out in Lebanon.

The regime then seeks to incite people against Islamic movements, notably Hamas. It also may seek to provoke the idea that Gaza has turned into a haven for radical Islamist forces, encouraging the Egyptian authorities to tighten the grip on Gaza.

There is speculations that the Egyptian intelligence bodies themselves are behind the blasts in a bid to pull the underdog Mubarak regime out of isolation after it was frowned for helping Zionist regime in the Gaza genocide.


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