Tuesday 07 May 2024 
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Israeli military war games an empty push


 Gaza, Qods News Agency: Israeli military embarked on a much-touted war games Sunday in a move many analysts consider as heralding a new wave of aggression by the regime on its neighbors.

The war games come amid the release of the final report of Winograd committee about the 33-day war the regime engaged in with Lebanon and consequently conceded an ominous defeat. They also come after the regime failed to materialize its goal of operations against the Palestinian resistance in Gaza.

The regime seems to looking for some consolation by the games and a boost of morale for its soldiers.

The war games are timed to follow an Arab League summit in Syria which was held unlike the desire of Washington. The war games then could be interpreted as a disregard to Arab demands in the summit and a new push for additional concessions from Arab countries. Zionists by considering Syria as their motive for war games are pulling Arabs to make concessions and on the other run isolate Syria.


Qods News Agency

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