Annapolis, slaughterhouse of the Palestinian cause
Two days ahead of the Annapolis confab, Arabs are departing for the city as few pin hope in any success. The situation too is not much hopeful. Gaza has been branded hostile, leaving any initiative to ease the Palestinian crisis in limbo and blocking the way to the representatives of the democratically elected Palestinian government.
Zionist regime as a top priority wants to see the Palestinian intifada vanished. The confab in Annapolis would provide them a further support to tighten grip on the Palestinian people.
The Annapolis meeting also risks transforming Palestinian activists into racists who have anti-Jewish perceptions, marring the image of the wronged people in the global scene.
The confab also risks putting a gag on the mouth of Arabs, making them silent towards any amount of Israeli aggression.
The Annapolis goes to become a scene to slaughter the aspirations of a nation that has laid many lives in the past sixty years to restore its minimum human rights.
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