Thursday 09 May 2024

Israel strive to alter Gaza political situation

The ongoing massacre of Palestinian people in Gaza is only aimed at altering a political reality which is an ever-consolidating Hamas government, Mehdi Shakibayi, editor of Qods News Agency told Tehran Emrooz daily Sunday.

Shakibayi rejected the Zionist regime;'s claims that its army was making incursions into Gaza to stop the firing of resistance missiles, adding that the regime wants to undermine "the position of resistance which is rooted in a regional stance against the colonial interests of America and Zionist regime."

Shakibayi noted that by altering the political situation in Gaza, the Zionist regime and America try to put their self-styled moderate leaders in place of the resistance-minded ones whom they call radicals.

"Following the failure of a two-year embargo against the Gazans, the Westerners realized that the Gazans not only refuse to bow to their their demands, but reversely the popularity of Hamas has increased," Shakibayi said.

"Then they tried to resort to military means so that the path is paved for the compromise-minded Palestinian party," Qodsna editor added.

Asked by Tehran Emrooz about the possible links between the ongoing bloodshed and the regional and international developments, Shakibayi was positive.

"The Middle East developments are inter-connected. What takes place in Gaza is no doubt related to eh developments in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and even Egypt and a bit farther Sudan," Shakibayi said, pointing to the weekend deployment of the USS Cole destroyed off the coast of Lebanon in support of a certain Lebanese party.

Shakibayi believed that America and Israel seek to influence the Lebanese developments and undermine the status of Syria in the run up to the next edition of Arab League meeting scheduled to be held in Damascus.

Shakibayi describe as meaningful the silence of the Arab League and some of the regional countries against the Zionist crimes.


Qods News Agency

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