Thursday 13 February 2025

Heads of 10 Palestinian movements to visit Tehran

Ziad Nakhala, depurt secretary general of the Islamic Jihad had no knowledge about the precise schedule of the visit, Paltoday said, adding that no conference would follow the visit and it will be simply a trip.
He said the Iranian president had invited the Palestinian figures in his recent visit to Damascus to tour the country.
"The visit was put off due to the advent of the month pf Ramadan," he added.
Some informed sources have earlier revealed that the potential visiting team might include Khaled Mashaal, Hamas Political Bureau Chief, Ramadan Abdullah Shalah, Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad, Ahmad Jibril, Secretary General of the People Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command and Nayef Howatema, head of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
Mohammad Ali Hosseini, the Spokesman of the Iranian Foreign Ministry confirmed the visit last month, adding that the invite to the Palestinian leaders is aimed to cement inter Palestinian unity.
"The Islamic Republic of Iran will use its favorable ties with different Palestinian groups to preserve the momentum against the existential threat of the Zionist regime," Hosseinin added.
Hosseini however offered no precise date about the visit.


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