Sunday 28 April 2024

Trump, Pompeo, Netanyahu planning
other provocations against Iran

Gordon Duff

Qodnsa - Speaking to Qods News Agency, Gordon Duff, a former U.S. military and political analyst talked about the assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh on Friday and the potential role of Israel in the attack, saying “We know this was an Israeli operation but we also can be reasonably certain that it was done by Trump to bring about a retaliation that is intended to poison a return to normalized relations under the new Biden government. “


“Trump is burning down the United States, destroying everything he can in order to punish the nation much as Hitler punished Germany for not winning the war.  In the longterm, even more important than JCPOA or assassinations, is the now accepted fact that the United States is ruled by a criminal cabal that openly stands against its constitution”, he added.


Referring to Iran’s possible response to the terrorist attack, Gordon Duff predicted that “Iran will probably wait until after the change of power in Washington.  It is clear that this attack was staged from with support from a nearby nation.”


He then called Bahrain and the UAE as “Israel's new operation centers” for the assassination attacks.


“Recent irresponsible acts by the UAE would make their water system, extremely vulnerable, an easy target.  What Israel wants is for Iran to sink an American aircraft carrier”, the American political analyst said.


He explained further about the possible role of the US government in the attack against Fakhrizadeh, noting that “We have reason to believe that this killing was greenlighted by Secretary of State Pompeo and that those recently removed from the Department of Defense would have opposed America's part in this effort.  We also believe that Trump and Pompeo, along with Netanyahu, are planning other provocations over the next few weeks.”


News-ID: O.T-70

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