Saturday 21 September 2024

No change in Iran's Palestinian stance after ballot

Three foreign thinkers have talked to the Qods News Agency (Qodsna) on whether or not the results of the parliamentary and Expert Assembly votes may affect the 37years-long Iranian position on the Palestinian issue.

Spanish intellectual, Manuel Galiana Ros said while he commands no sufficient knowledge about the Iranian parties competing in the ballot, he was confident the Iranian position in support of Palestine would not take any substantial new structure.

Ros said no other development may be supposed from the Iranian elections.

For his part, Canadian journalist Eric Walberg said he was confident the Iranian elections would by no means affect the Iranian commitment to the Palestinian cause.

Walberg added that Israel lobbies in the West have posed a genuine threat to the Palestinian resistance, especially in Canada and Britain.

And, Qatari thinker, Ali al-Hail Mahmoud said he hoped the Iranian support to the Palestinian issue would continue even after the elections and the Iranian foreign policy on the issue would not pick any change.

Mahmoud urged all Muslim countries to support the Palestinian cause, including those Arab states neighboring Iran.

Also, director of public relations in the Lebanese-based council of Palestinian scholars, Mohammad Saleh Mo’oud lauded the Islamic Republic for staging 32 rounds of democratic elections in the past 37 years, calling it unprecedented in the Middle East.

The thinker said the Iranian election was a model for the Arab nations in the region.


Qods News Agency

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